Learn about the Great Barrier Reef
Reef Education Resources
Our education resources cover a range of topics to teach and learn about the Great Barrier Reef including climate change, sea country connection, sustainability, wetlands, threats to the Reef, biodiversity. Below you can find resources, including our Reef Beat poster series, science unit plans, student activity sheets, videos and much more!
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Showing 6 of 174 results

Mantis Shrimp at Reef HQ Aquarium

Watch to learn more about these marine crustaceans.

Subjects: Ecosystems and Habitats

Master Reef Guides Masterclass 2022

Learn what a Master Reef Guide can do to help protect the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: Eye on the Reef, Responsible Reef Practices

What is the Reef Health snapshot

Gain an understanding of many agencies working together to monitor and help conserve the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Responsible Reef Practices

How to use Eye on the Reef app

Wanting to learn more about the Eye on the Reef App and how to use it?

Subjects: Eye on the Reef

These students are living and learning on the Reef

Meet 'Milla and Ziggy' as they explore the Great Barrier Reef region.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Marine Debris, Responsible Reef Practices, Human uses on the Reef

What is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program?

Watch this video to get a better understanding of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Extreme Weather, Responsible Reef Practices, Water Quality
Showing 6 of 109 results

Reef Beat education series: Junior Outlook - Be fish friendly

A series of resources including an activity book and 10 posters featuring Dr. Chloe, Dr. Dave and others giving a colourful, junior snapshot of the 'Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019'. This Reef Beat package provides an introduction to some Reef animals and actions to protect them and the Reef. These include coral, crabs, crown-of-thorns seastars, fish (and green zones), dugong, seabirds, marine turtles, whales, sharks and protecting your patch.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, Marine Debris, Reef Beat Series, Water Quality

Reef Beat education series: Junior Outlook - Floating fertiliser factories

A series of resources including an activity book and 10 posters featuring Dr. Chloe, Dr. Dave and others giving a colourful, junior snapshot of the 'Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019'. This Reef Beat package provides an introduction to some Reef animals and actions to protect them and the Reef. These include coral, crabs, crown-of-thorns seastars, fish (and green zones), dugong, seabirds, marine turtles, whales, sharks and protecting your patch.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, Marine Debris, Reef Beat Series, Water Quality

Reef Beat education series: Junior Outlook - A migration journey

A series of resources including an activity book and 10 posters featuring Dr. Chloe, Dr. Dave and others giving a colourful, junior snapshot of the 'Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019'. This Reef Beat package provides an introduction to some Reef animals and actions to protect them and the Reef. These include coral, crabs, crown-of-thorns seastars, fish (and green zones), dugong, seabirds, marine turtles, whales, sharks and protecting your patch.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, Marine Debris, Reef Beat Series, Water Quality

Reef Beat education series: Junior Outlook - Ancient reptiles of the sea

A series of resources including an activity book and 10 posters featuring Dr. Chloe, Dr. Dave and others giving a colourful, junior snapshot of the 'Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019'. This Reef Beat package provides an introduction to some Reef animals and actions to protect them and the Reef. These include coral, crabs, crown-of-thorns seastars, fish (and green zones), dugong, seabirds, marine turtles, whales, sharks and protecting your patch.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, Marine Debris, Reef Beat Series, Water Quality

Reef Beat education series: Junior Outlook - Gentle giants of the ocean

A series of resources including an activity book and 10 posters featuring Dr. Chloe, Dr. Dave and others giving a colourful, junior snapshot of the 'Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019'. This Reef Beat package provides an introduction to some Reef animals and actions to protect them and the Reef. These include coral, crabs, crown-of-thorns seastars, fish (and green zones), dugong, seabirds, marine turtles, whales, sharks and protecting your patch.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, Marine Debris, Reef Beat Series, Water Quality

POSTER - Reef Beat education series: Junior Outlook - We need sharks

A series of resources including an activity book and 10 posters featuring Dr. Chloe, Dr. Dave and others giving a colourful, junior snapshot of the 'Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019'. This Reef Beat package provides an introduction to some Reef animals and actions to protect them and the Reef. These include coral, crabs, crown-of-thorns seastars, fish (and green zones), dugong, seabirds, marine turtles, whales, sharks and protecting your patch.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, First Nations Peoples, Marine Debris, Reef Beat Series, Water Quality
Showing 6 of 124 results

2016 Reef Beat Education Series: Threats to the Reef

A series of resources that include videos and an activity book that link to threats to the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: Climate Change, Extreme Weather, Marine Debris, Reef Beat Series, Reef Guardians, Responsible Reef Practices, Human uses on the Reef, Water Quality

2013 Reef Beat Education Series: The amazing Great Barrier Reef, let's keep it great

A series of resources that include a poster and an activity book that link to the amazing Great Barrier Reef and its importance as a national and global icon.

Subjects: Reef Beat Series, Reef Guardians

2012 Reef Beat Education Series: The inshore Great Barrier Reef, bursting with biodiversity

A series of resources that include a set of posters and an activity book that link to inshore biodiversity on the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, Reef Beat Series, Reef Guardians, Responsible Reef Practices, Water Quality

2011 Reef Beat Education Series: Working together today for a healthier Reef tomorrow

A series of resources that include a set of posters and an activity book that link to stewardship actions on the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: Climate Change, Reef Beat Series, Reef Guardians, Responsible Reef Practices

2010 Reef Beat Education Series: Sea Country Connections

A series of resources that include a set of posters and an activity book that link to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage and Culture on the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: First Nations Peoples, Reef Beat Series, Reef Guardians

2009 Reef Beat Education Series: Climate change and the Reef

A series of resources that include a set of posters and an activity book, game cards, fish species list, world map, a teacher presentation and fact sheet that link to climate change.

Subjects: Climate Change, Endangered Species, Extreme Weather, Reef Beat Series, Reef Guardians, Responsible Reef Practices
Showing 6 of 132 results

Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2019

Video of our 2019 Outlook Report highlights the urgent need for our continued and accelerated action to improve the long-term outlook for the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: Climate Change, Extreme Weather, Responsible Reef Practices, Water Quality

What is the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report?

Climate change is the biggest threat to coral reefs worldwide. Check out this explainer video for a summary of the Reef’s long-term outlook and what’s being done to protect this great natural icon.

Subjects: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Habitats, Endangered Species, Extreme Weather, First Nations Peoples, Marine Debris, Responsible Reef Practices, Human uses on the Reef, Water Quality

Monitoring for management: Reef 2050 plan?

The Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program is a coordinated and integrated monitoring, modelling and reporting program for the Great Barrier Reef and its adjacent catchment that will help track the progress towards targets and objectives of the Reef 2050 Plan, under the plan’s seven themes. This will be a key input to assessing the effectiveness of the plan.

Subjects: Climate Change, Endangered Species, Extreme Weather, Marine Debris, Responsible Reef Practices, Water Quality

What is the Reef 2050 Plan?

A video explaining the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050 Plan). The Reef 2050 Plan was developed by the Australian and Queensland governments, together with its partners, including Traditional Owners, industry, scientists and communities, as an overarching strategy for managing the Great Barrier Reef.

Subjects: Climate Change, Extreme Weather, Marine Debris, Responsible Reef Practices, Water Quality

Classification of Reef Creatures Playlist

A series of videos explaining classification and describing various marine phyla.


Creature Feature Playlist

A series of videos describing a few animals that live on the Great Barrier Reef.
